Our congregation has always had a passion to support local and global missions. In addition, we send teams on missions trips. We have sent teams to Brazil, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Appalachia, New York City, New Orleans and Kentucky. Here are the ministries that we currently support.
Adams Rescue Mission -A residential program serving indigent persons in Adams County
Compassion International- Families in our congregation sponsor impoverished children all over the world.
Church of God Ministries- scores of missionaries and hundreds of global ministries
Child Evangelism Fellowship- sharing Christ with Adams County children
Adams County Habitat For Humanity -a hands on ministry of building homes in Adams County
Samaritan's Purse- Christmas boxes for needy children all over the world.
www.Adamscpm.orgAdams Christian Prison Ministries- Rev. Dr. Angel Perez -Director and Chaplain
The Water Project- Digging wells in remote regions of the world. We collect rinsed aluminum cans to fund this ministry.
Tim and Joy Coppess- Church of God missionaries in Botswanna
Jason and Abby Torgeson- Church of God missionaries in Costa Rica Church of God in the East District Ministries |